



Name Kuromi
Age endless
Gender Femme-Presenting
Height 5'3
Occupation Menace

A voidsent summoned by young mages to cause mayhem and pull a few pranks on the unsuspecting bully down the road. After the bully "mysteriously" wound up dead, the mages attempted to return her to the void, only to find their summon missing.
Years have passed and Kuromi has found herself easily passing for a regular Au ra amongst the people of Eorzea. Every once in a while the voidsent is faced with urges to cause a bit of mayhem, and she is never one to deny herself the luxury.


  • An adventurer is called to investigate mysterious deaths and disappearances, and their number one suspect is...

  • There's some woman in the road, and she's covered in blood. Had she been attacked? Was it even her blood?

  • More to come.


About the PlayerHi there, I'm the player behind Kuromi! My name is Peach and I'm a 26-year-old queer woman best known for her fanfics and being attracted to fictional men.Common CourtesyNO RP WITHOUT CONSENT
Nothing extreme (i.e. rape)
No godmoding
No racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.
How to ContactDM me first on Twitter @momofantas or in-game. If things seem good, I'll give you my discord so we can keep in touch or RP.

18+ Info

Consent is a mustPartners must be over 21No kink list, just ask

Every voidsent lives off of aether, including Kuromi. Though sometimes the contracts she makes to feed are a bit dirty.
Interested in making one? Send me a tell or DM ♥